Dishwasher is not turning off

A dishwasher that refuses to turn off after completing its cycle can be a perplexing and potentially concerning issue. It not only disrupts your kitchen routine but also raises concerns about water and energy wastage. In this guide, we will explore common reasons why a dishwasher may not turn off and provide troubleshooting steps to help you identify and potentially resolve the problem.

Common Causes of a Dishwasher That Won’t Turn Off

  1. Control Panel Malfunction: A malfunctioning control panel, touchpad, or control board can prevent the dishwasher from responding to commands and turning off.
  2. Stuck Door Latch: If the door latch doesn’t release properly, it can keep the dishwasher’s electrical circuits engaged, preventing it from turning off.
  3. Timer or Delay Start Feature: Sometimes, dishwashers are programmed with a delay start feature that allows them to begin a cycle at a specific time. If this feature is enabled, the dishwasher may not turn off immediately after the cycle is complete.
  4. Water Supply Issue: A malfunctioning water inlet valve or insufficient water pressure can lead to the dishwasher not filling or draining properly, causing it to continue running.

Troubleshooting Steps for a Dishwasher That Won’t Turn Off

  1. Interrupt the Power:
    • If your dishwasher doesn’t respond to the control panel, try turning off the power at the circuit breaker or by unplugging it from the electrical outlet.
  2. Wait for Completion:
    • In some cases, the dishwasher may still be completing the final stages of the cycle, especially if it has a delay start feature enabled. Wait for a reasonable amount of time to see if it eventually turns off.
  3. Inspect the Control Panel:
    • Examine the control panel and touchpad for any visible damage or signs of wear. If you notice issues, consider replacing the control panel or touchpad.
  4. Check the Door Latch:
    • Ensure that the dishwasher’s door is securely latched. If it’s stuck, gently try to release it. Inspect the latch mechanism for any obstructions or damage.
  5. Disable Delay Start:
    • If your dishwasher has a delay start feature enabled, consult the user manual for instructions on how to disable it.
  6. Check Water Supply:
    • Verify that the water supply to the dishwasher is turned on and that there are no kinks or blockages in the water supply hose.
  7. Run a Test Cycle:
    • After performing the above steps, turn the power back on and run a test cycle with the dishwasher empty to see if it completes the cycle correctly and turns off as expected.
  8. Consult a Professional:
    • If the dishwasher continues to run or refuses to turn off despite troubleshooting, or if you suspect a more complex internal issue, it’s advisable to contact a dishwasher repair technician for a thorough assessment and repair.


A dishwasher repair that won’t turn off can be a frustrating issue, but with careful troubleshooting and maintenance, you can often identify and address the problem. By following the steps outlined in this guide and referring to your dishwasher’s user manual, you can work towards resolving the issue and ensuring your dishwasher operates efficiently and turns off as expected. If the problem persists or if you suspect a more significant internal problem, professional assistance may be necessary to diagnose and repair the issue effectively.


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