Covid-19 Responses – Maar24

At maar24 our main priority is the well-being and safety of our team members and clients. Since the onset of the COVID-19 virus, we have followed the proper guidance of WHO, CDC, and local authorities to curb the spread of the disease.

As an essential business, Maar24 Appliance Repair will continue to provide high-quality in-home appliance repair services to our clients.

We’ve provided our experts and staff members with the essential training to make sure that the correct safety measures and sanitation procedures are being followed every time.

What you can expect during your appliance repair service appointment?

We’ve ramped up cleaning services for all of our experts. We’re increasing our daily cleaning 2 or more times every day. Repairmen are required to wipe all the equipment and tools down before and after entering homes. Further, please expect the following when our team comes to your space for an appliance repair:

  • When our repairman arrives, they’ll not shake hands and make direct contact with anybody in your house. We ask that you follow WHO and CDC recommendations and maintain at least a 6ft distance between you and our team members.
  • Before we start our work, our mechanics will request to wash his hands. Please give them a clean sink with soap and warm water.
  • Our team will wipe down every surface with the disinfectant of your choice before and after the service is performed. It includes counters, appliances, and sinks. Please have cleaning equipment available if you want the expert to clean the area. We’re doing our best to stock disinfectant wipes, but our supplies are limited. Thanks for your understanding.
  • At this moment, every receipt and other materials will only be sent in virtual format through email. Please be sure to offer your expert with a valid mail address.
  • Before leaving your house, our repairman will request you to clean his hands.

More Sanitation Measures

Our experts will also follow these recommended cleaning as well as sanitation protocols.

  • Disinfect equipment, computers, and other tools used after each service appointment.
  • Disinfect the inside of their service van at the start and end of every work day.
  • Disinfect office equipment including our spare parts and receiving center every day.

We’ve taken the following measurements, as per WHO and CDC recommendations, to make sure that our clients and team members remain healthy to protect our community.

  • Our company office is stocked with an abundance of sanitation items, including hand sanitizer.
  • We are requiring that any staff member who feels stuck remain at home.
  • We’ve implemented a do not shake hands policy, and all techs are striving to keep the recommended 6ft distance among coworkers and clients.
  • We’ll use hand sanitizers before entering your home. We’ll wear gloves and booties while in your space and will disinfect any area we come into contact with before leaving the site.
  • Lastly, we need notice before arrival if you or anybody in your home is experiencing COVID-19 infection or has in the 2 weeks before our visit. These include but are not restricted to fever, shortness of breath, or cough. We’ll ask the reschedule your appointment for a later date if this is the problem. Our repairmen have also been empowered to request that an appointment be rescheduled if, when they arrive at your home, the owner is showing any concerning symptoms.

Safety has forever been our main priority at Maar24. We appreciate you, your business as well, and the trust you’ve placed in Maar24 appliance repair service.

Our Safety and health commitments

At Maar24, our main priority is always is safety and health of our clients and team. We’re following all COVID-19 public safety measures and adjusting our business practices as required making sure all of our clients and team members’ well-being.

As a safety measure, anybody working on behalf of Maar24 – including our technicians – is being asked to stay home for the recommended 2 weeks period if they’ve been exposed to a preservative or confirmed case, or feeling unwell.

We’re offering our technicians and other team members additional safety and health measures to help keep our clients and staff safe. Please be prepared to answer brief safety and health questions with our representative.

We’ll continue to monitor the situation and will set our business practices as needed. We recognize that this might be a particularly stressful period and want you to know that we’re committed to serving you and making your experience as safe and simple as possible.

Please call us at 647-303-4997 if you’ve any questions or concerns!!!

Before and after Our Visit

As you wait for our technician to arrive, keep in mind to cover your face with the cloth of a medical mask. You might pick to wear disposable gloves as an additional measure or just vigorously wash hands beforehand.

While the service expert is in your house, followed by WHO and CDC guidelines, unless the expert requests your assistance, please avoid hovering and maintain any physical distance of at least 6ft.

More likely than not, the mechanic will don a face mask & disposable gloves, but we think it cannot hurt to take matters into your own hands also – particularly when it comes to your health.

After the home appliance repair service visit

After the appliance is done, we recommend disinfecting your appliance once more before resuming use. In the case your home appliance is broken or declared unfixable by the expert, take heed to their professional recommendations regarding any further steps.

In the case of installing a new appliance or needing an expert installation, repeat or rinse! Much of our guide still applies when it comes to appliance technicians entering your house and performing a repair.

For all your home appliance needs, check out our website to see what our technicians can do for you. If you need to replace your cooking appliances, dishwasher, dryer, fridge, washing machine, range, or cooktop, look to our catalog.

Call us at 647-303-4997 today!!!
